Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Introducing - The Flannel

The Flannel is a warm blooded creature with primitive language skills and a basic understanding of the workings of everyday society.

Located most commonly in supermarkets and shopping centres it can often be observed rummaging through the shelves in search of its most prized possession - The Tracksuit Pant. These Tracksuit Pants are designed to be worn primarily before and after sporting events but the Flannel has adapted their usage for everyday wear. The Flannel will continue to wear the dirty clothing well after its need for washing and in some cases will continue to wear it after it has become soiled. The footwear is identical to the Trolley Sloth and will come in a variety of colours with pink and red being the most popular colours. In recent years a sparkled and bedazzled range of track suits has made its way into the Flannels wardrobe. The new type is more expensive than the normal variety store range but cheap imitations can be purchased in the Flannels favourite holidaying spot of Bali. G Unit is one of the most common brands and is said to stand for "Gigantic Unit" and is said to be a reference to the Flannels big rear end.

Like the Trolley Sloth the Flannel's diet consists mainly of fried foods and carbonated beverages. Unlike the Trolley Sloth who can not walk and eat at the same time the Flannel is often seen eating on the move and is either unaware or doesn't not care of the mess that this practice causes to its clothing. Either way this doesn't stop it wearing it out in public.

Head wear is very popular with the Flannel and they can observed wearing their hats at odd angles. Despite the wearer appearing to look of little to no intelligence, the backwards style is the most popular.

Breeding seems to be extremely popular with the Flannel as they are almost always accompanied by small smelly versions of themselves. These offspring appear to be left to fend for themselves as they are often observed crying, yelling and running around without any supervision.

Language seems to consist only of short sentences which always contain profanity with "Shut the fuck up" and "Stop being a little shit and come 'ere" being the most popular.

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh, I've seen these creatures. They often drive Fords with Fremantle Dockers number plates. Am I right??
